Chapter 10: How to Make Photo Books | Make One Photo Appear Across Two Pages?


Make One Photo Appear Across Two Pages?

Click on a page in your book, and then click on the black button with the down-facing arrow in the bottom-right corner of the page (down in the yellow highlighted area) and, in the Modify Page pop-up menu, click on Two-Page Spreads to bring up a thumbnail list of two-page spread templates (as seen above). Just click on the layout you want and it applies it to your page, which usually means having it add a blank page to your book because you clicked on one page, but you just added a two-page spread, so somethin’s gotta give. Go look in your Multi-Page view (Command-E [PC: Ctrl-E]) and see if you have an extra page sneaking around in there now right next to where you added your new spread. Depending on where you added it in the book, heck it could add two pages. Well, at least now ya know.